Eight things to do before moving day

Defrost your fridge
We recommend avoiding the supermarket in the lead up to moving and relying on whatever you can find in your fridge and freezer. The most important items to consume are meat and dairy products, as these can’t be left at room temperature for long periods due to how quickly they spoil. Ensure you start defrosting your fridge at least 24 hours prior to the removalists arriving. This is also a great time to clean your fridge or freezer.
Organise petsitting for your pets
Moving is incredibly stressful for animals, so we recommend taking them off-site completely throughout the duration of your move. Either check them into a pet boarding facility overnight or ask a friend or family member to look after them for the day. Remember, it’s much easier to settle a pet into a new environment after you’ve got furniture and other belongings that smell like your old home set up in the new space.
Speak to your utilities provider
Here’s one people forget all the time and it can cause issues when later down the track the new tenant in your old home is getting ‘Final Warning’ letters addressed to you. Make a list of every utility provider from your electricity to your internet and make sure you reach out to them as far in advance as possible.
Organising mail redirection
Mail redirection is an amazing service but should be reserved for mail that you aren’t expecting. If you receive regular mail from any companies or people in your life, make sure you let them know your new address as far in advance as possible. Another great idea is to note down those who send you mail in the lead up to your move and check them off the list as you alert them to your new details.
Disassemble your furniture
If you’ve got any furniture that came flat packed, spend a weekend day dismantling all of it in preparation for your move. Flat pack furniture is easier to move and creates space in the back of the van for more boxes. We recommend sealing any screws in individually labelled sandwich zip lock bags to ensure nothing gets lost between homes.
Clean the oven
Nine times out of ten, especially if you’re renting, you’ll need to clean the oven for the next tenant. Oven cleaning is not fun and can be a little dangerous. Buy a surgical mask to protect your throat and lungs and heavy duty rubber cleaning gloves to protect your hands. Then, open all windows and follow the directions on the back of the oven cleaner bottle carefully.
Hire a cleaner
Don’t want to do the cleaning yourself? Don’t forget to hire a cleaner to take care of the mess for you. Ideally, they’d arrive shortly after your departure to minimise time between you vacating the property and the next person being able to move in.