Pre-Move: Staging the Ultimate Moving Sale

Gather Sellable Items
You need to be able to sort out the junk from the goods. Putting a gross, stained couch from your uni days will make everything else at your moving sale look junky, too. The same goes for broken bookshelves and electronics: put them in the bin or recycle them; do not attempt to sell them at your moving sale.
Note: make sure that you are disposing of your unwanted items in the right way. Read on our article on safety and the environment to find out more.
Research Local Rules
Make sure to look into local ordinances that affect moving sales. Some places won’t let you have your sale on certain days of the week or during certain hours, and there are also restrictions in some places about how you can advertise. Do your due diligence to make sure you aren’t breaking any rules with your moving sale.
Recruit Help
Now is the time to collect on all those favours you’ve done for others over the years! You’ll need help setting up your moving sale, as well as manning the cashbox whilst it’s going on. Get at least one other friend to help you out so you can run to the loo without having to worry about your belongings walking away.
Once you have help in place and you have settled on a date, it’s time to start advertising. Again, you need to check on your local regulations, but a great way to advertise is by hanging large posters in the area a couple of days beforehand. Also, post information about your moving sale on social media and other virtual bulletin boards. Ask your local coffee shop if you can hang a flyer. The goal is to get the word out to as many people as possible.
Set Up Shop
It’s the big day! Try to display your belongings in an attractive way. Put a tablecloth on the rickety old table you dragged out to hold knick knacks. Use baskets or boxes wrapped in gift wrap to hold small items. A pretty sheet laid on the ground makes a lovely backdrop for furniture and larger objects.
Make sure to price your belongings appropriately. Consider giving yourself a little negotiating room, but never price an item more than 20% or so more than it’s really worth. And, of course, stock your cashbox with plenty of change.
It’s Not Over’ Til It’s Over
So, everything sold except that huge metal desk. Remember that Two Men and a Truck will move even a single item! Our removalists are experts at all job sizes, so when you’re ready to take all that money from your moving sale and outfit your new home, call us for that, too.
So, everything sold except that huge metal desk. Remember that Two Men and a Truck will move even a single item! Our removalists are experts at all job sizes, so when you’re ready to take all that money from your moving sale and outfit your new home, call us for that, too.